Atwater PTO needs volunteers and not just for an hour commitment at an event.

We need parents to step in as chairs and co-chairs.

We need parents to get more involved. 

We need YOU!


Please read below to learn about the volunteer positions the PTO has to offer.


  • Co-Treasurer--The treasurer makes sure the PTO stays on track with our spending. They also write checks to the room parents, reimburse anyone who spends their own money on PTO events, pays any fees (insurance, Fun Run, Membership Toolkit). They also make sure there is cash on hand for PTO events, such as the Back to School Picnic, book fairs, and the Monster Mash.


  • Walk to School Day--This is a one day commitment in early October. Your job would be to communicate with either the high school band or orchestra teacher (they take turns playing at each elementary school, next year the band will be at Atwater), arrange for a coffee donation from a local business, purchase donuts for the high school musicians as thanks, and advertise the event (in The Scoop and via morning announcements). 


  • Screen Free Week--One week in May. Coordinate events with the Lake Bluff PTO, including an evening at the planetarium and any other events. Communicate about planned events via The Scoop and daily announcements. 


  • School Supply Boxes--This job can be done entirely from the comfort of your living room. Reach out to the admin assistant in February to confirm school supply lists are up to date, share those lists with the liaison from School Tool Box, approve lists, communicate via The Scoop and messages on Infinite Campus. 


  • Co-President--Being President is a BIG job, our current president could use a helping hand. The president and co-president are responsible for the Back to School Picnic and Fun Run. The president writes the weekly update in The Scoop. They make sure chair people have what they need to run successful events. They set the PTO events calendar. They also pick up the slack anywhere needed. 

These are just a small handful of the positions parent volunteers hold in the PTO. Please visit our About Us page to see a full list of Chairs and Co-Chairs. 


Parent volunteerism is dwindling, we'd hate to have to cancel beloved events because there aren't volunteers to chair and plan the events. 














We hope everyone had a wonderful summer! Don't forget about Meet and Greet this Thursday, August 29th from 5 to 6 pm. Meet your child's teachers, drop of supplies, and get a peek at where they'll be spending their days.